Friends, Romans, Countrymen...

Actually, I don't think I know any Romans. And these are just my friends, though they are my countrymen, I suppose. Anyways, these are my friends with web pages that I know about. If you want to know anything else about them, ask! If you think you're my friend, and have a web page, and it's not here, tell me, and I'll add it. Additionally, if you're one of my friends from Rose, and want to be on a mailing list so we can send spam to each other, there's that thing at the bottom, too.

Right now, there's just Rose people, more or less.

First those who have graduated, or will soon.

Matthew Xenophen Economou or here
Beth Bateman, my old roommate
George Bergstorm
Andrew Gray
Stuart Light, Ex #1(Note I didn't say #1 ex. I'm not going there.)
Dave Luebke
and his fiancee, Sara "Fish" Miller
Brian Rogers
Wow, Mark Scwartzkopf's page is still there. Anyone seen him?
Doug Surfleet

Now these people are still at Rose, for at least one more year.

Some of these people have GREAT home pages, really.

Brooke Chenowyth
Matt Lepinski
Kent Rosenkoetter (See, I can spell your name!)
Singin' Dave McKinney, ex #3
Brian Pruss
and his girlfriend, Robin Harvey
Dennis Lin
Amanda Stucheal, who kept me sane in work study

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Last modified on July 7,1999.